Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th

Fabric 当前的工作

  • 2.4 Gateway和slim SDK,有希望这个季度release,目前在做案例和release的准备,系统测试和文档。
  • 账本troubleshoot工具
  • Rest应用案例
  • GDPR相关的隐私数据清除RFC
  • github上的zenhub面板,计划替换jiraFabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th

Fabric Strategic Priorities survey results

  1. BFT
  2. 清理老旧区块
  3. 替换goleveldb
  4. 性能优化
  5. Smart client(lib的项目)
  6. 查询支持
  7. Token
    Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th

Kubernetes Test Network - Josh Kneubuhl


  • Provide a simple, one click activity for running the Fabric test network.
  • Provide a reference guide for deploying production-style networks on Kubernetes.
  • Provide a cloud ready platform for developing chaincode, Gateway, and blockchain apps.
  • Provide a Kube supplement to the Fabric CA Operations and Deployment guides.
  • Support a transition to Chaincode as a Service.
  • Support a transition from the Internal, Docker daemon to External Chaincode builders.
  • Run on any Kube.

The Kubernetes Test Network re-establishes the Hyperledger test-network as a cloud native application.

Test network还是太难用了,所以这个项目旨在能够在本机的k8s上部署fabric而不是用docker-compose,虽然docker-compose可以用,但是不是cloud部署。Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th

  • 合约作为服务。
    cryptogen把文件存在本地,但是对于云环境。即便我们有fabric ca client我们也需要有MSP目录。
    Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
    Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
    只调用k8s api来实现与集群的交互。
    Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
    Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
    支持debug chaincode,以及向其他k8s环境移植的能力。
    Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
    local chaincode image支持从而实现本地打包部署
    本地chaincode debug
  • chaincode as a service
  • 暴露端口在HLF Chaincode相关设置中
  • 通过VScode的debugger和相关配置来启动Chaincode
    Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th

Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th
Fabric Contributor Meetings 个人笔记 2021-Oct-13th


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