Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上编辑之后超时的根源分析

Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 1:29 PM

Subject: RE: Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上edit之后timeout的root cause

I checked CRZ system log and found the error root cause shown like below screen-shot. The hostname not found. It’s probably the RFC caller host.

Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上编辑之后超时的根源分析


Cloud上一执行到这个RFC class就死了:
Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上编辑之后超时的根源分析

Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上编辑之后超时的根源分析

这个function module只是一个wrapper,真正的实现是在JAVA里做的。而且整个function group已经mark成deprecated了,这是一个系统配置的问题。


只要是opportunity里的pricing数据维护使得pricing的计算会进入到line 197,一定会挂掉。不同的opportunity 的pricing数据维护得不一样,会导致line 189开始会进入if或者else分支。
Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上编辑之后超时的根源分析

Problem Analysis:
The time out problem occurs when executing odata function import EditAuthrizationCheck, which source code lies in the redefined method /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~EXECUTE_ACTION of class CL_CRM_OPPORTUNITY_DPC_EXT.
Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上编辑之后超时的根源分析

I found the time out issue occurred at function module crm_lock_object -> crm_order_read -> crm_order_read_ow. You can trace down from there.
Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上编辑之后超时的根源分析

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