【leetcode】高频题目整理_字符串篇( High Frequency Problems, String )



例如,对于下图中题号#275#270的题目将被收录,并且#275出现频率大于#270;而对于题号#1011#1182的题目,因为出现频率太低,将不被收录:【leetcode】高频题目整理_字符串篇( High Frequency Problems, String )


字符串篇-95题(String, 95 problems)

数据日期: 2020/03/26 (此时LeetCode题目数量:1582)
数据来源: LeetCode官方,将不同类别的题目按照官方给的出现频率(Frequency)降序排列,取有频率统计的题。

排序 题号 题目 通过率 难度
1 #3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 0.335 中等
2 #5 Longest Palindromic Substring 0.291 中等
3 #22 Generate Parentheses 0.737 中等
4 #6 ZigZag Conversion 0.472 中等
5 #13 Roman to Integer 0.611 简单
6 #38 Count and Say 0.547 简单
7 #17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 0.53 中等
8 #93 Restore IP Addresses 0.462 中等
9 #10 Regular Expression Matching 0.269 困难
10 #72 Edit Distance 0.567 困难
11 #20 Valid Parentheses 0.412 简单
12 #415 Add Strings 0.497 简单
13 #14 Longest Common Prefix 0.367 简单
14 #67 Add Binary 0.523 简单
15 #12 Integer to Roman 0.63 中等
16 #43 Multiply Strings 0.42 中等
17 #521 Longest Uncommon Subsequence I 0.666 简单
18 #557 Reverse Words in a String III 0.699 简单
19 #32 Longest Valid Parentheses 0.3 困难
20 #30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words 0.299 困难
21 #632 Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists 0.356 困难
22 #541 Reverse String II 0.525 简单
23 #76 Minimum Window Substring 0.355 困难
24 #214 Shortest Palindrome 0.31 困难
25 #564 Find the Closest Palindrome 0.147 困难
26 #28 Implement strStr() 0.396 简单
27 #657 Robot Return to Origin 0.738 简单
28 #647 Palindromic Substrings 0.613 中等
29 #344 Reverse String 0.696 简单
30 #97 Interleaving String 0.393 困难
31 #49 Group Anagrams 0.612 中等
32 #583 Delete Operation for Two Strings 0.486 中等
33 #8 String to Integer (atoi) 0.194 中等
34 #87 Scramble String 0.459 困难
35 #58 Length of Last Word 0.328 简单
36 #71 Simplify Path 0.388 中等
37 #385 Mini Parser 0.396 中等
38 #929 Unique Email Addresses 0.638 简单
39 #804 Unique Morse Code Words 0.745 简单
40 #91 Decode Ways 0.233 中等
41 #65 Valid Number 0.187 困难
42 #730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences 0.473 困难
43 #345 Reverse Vowels of a String 0.495 简单
44 #383 Ransom Note 0.521 简单
45 #556 Next Greater Element III 0.302 中等
46 #696 Count Binary Substrings 0.511 简单
47 #459 Repeated Substring Pattern 0.459 简单
48 #686 Repeated String Match 0.337 简单
49 #336 Palindrome Pairs 0.331 困难
50 #539 Minimum Time Difference 0.541 中等
51 #443 String Compression 0.396 简单
52 #115 Distinct Subsequences 0.474 困难
53 #44 Wildcard Matching 0.271 困难
54 #125 Valid Palindrome 0.43 简单
55 #434 Number of Segments in a String 0.342 简单
56 #680 Valid Palindrome II 0.361 简单
57 #537 Complex Number Multiplication 0.682 中等
58 #553 Optimal Division 0.544 中等
59 #606 Construct String from Binary Tree 0.527 简单
60 #678 Valid Parenthesis String 0.304 中等
61 #273 Integer to English Words 0.266 困难
62 #520 Detect Capital 0.549 简单
63 #68 Text Justification 0.429 困难
64 #227 Basic Calculator II 0.349 中等
65 #165 Compare Version Numbers 0.401 中等
66 #387 First Unique Character in a String 0.44 简单
67 #468 Validate IP Address 0.216 中等
68 #126 Word Ladder II 0.318 困难
69 #522 Longest Uncommon Subsequence II 0.317 中等
70 #551 Student Attendance Record I 0.51 简单
71 #527 Word Abbreviation 0.498 困难
72 #151 Reverse Words in a String 0.369 中等
73 #591 Tag Validator 0.297 困难
74 #722 Remove Comments 0.276 中等
75 #186 Reverse Words in a String II 0.738 中等
76 #736 Parse Lisp Expression 0.398 困难
77 #609 Find Duplicate File in System 0.521 中等
78 #1065 Index Pairs of a String 0.5 简单
79 #555 Split Concatenated Strings 0.331 中等
80 #159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters 0.51 中等
81 #1297 Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring 0.428 中等
82 #616 Add Bold Tag in String 0.443 中等
83 #1371 Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts 0.412 中等
84 #249 Group Shifted Strings 0.604 中等
85 #544 Output Contest Matches 0.665 中等
86 #271 Encode and Decode Strings 0.5 中等
87 #293 Flip Game 0.712 简单
88 #157 Read N Characters Given Read4 0.505 简单
89 #161 One Edit Distance 0.316 中等
90 #340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 0.464 困难
91 #635 Design Log Storage System 0.517 中等
92 #158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times 0.547 困难
93 #681 Next Closest Time 0.477 中等
94 #536 Construct Binary Tree from String 0.513 中等
95 #408 Valid Word Abbreviation 0.307 简单



上一篇:【leetcode】高频题目整理_树结构篇( High Frequency Problems, Tree )

下一篇:【leetcode】高频题目整理_双指针篇( High Frequency Problems, Two Pointers )