

Continuous Integration RSS

Date Post
2016-10-20 Set Up Private NuGet Feeds with ProGet v4+
2016-06-23 Publish and Deploy Asp.Net Core Applications from Jenkins to IIS
2016-06-09 Setting Asp.Net Core Environment Variables via web.config in IIS
2016-06-09 Applying web.config Transformations without MSBuild
2016-05-30 Unit Testing and Code Coverage with Jenkins and .NET Core
2016-05-12 Configure Git Hooks on Bonobo Git Server in Windows
2016-05-12 Basic Jenkins Configuration for .Net Continous Integration
2016-04-30 Set Up Private NuGet Feeds with ProGet and Jenkins
2016-04-26 Move Jenkins Installation Directory and Assign it a Dedicated Windows User Account
2016-04-21 Installing and Configuring Jenkins on Windows Server with IIS


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