c – 同一翻译单元中的模板类和相应的extern模板类

这是C 11中extern模板的正确用法吗? (可以是extern模板类和相应的模板类在同一个翻译单元中可见吗?)

// example.hpp:
#pragma once
template< typename T >
class C {
    void f(T);
// question is about the next two lines
extern template class C< float >;
extern template class C< double >;
// example_def.hpp:
#include "example.hpp"
template< typename T >
void C< T >::f(T) {
    //... smth. practicable
// example.cpp:
#include "example_def.hpp"
template class C< float >;
template class C< double >;
// other.hpp:
#pragma once
void g();
// other.cpp:
#include "other.hpp"
#include "example.hpp"
// maybe those two lines should be here instead?
void g() {
    C< float >();
    C< double >();
// main.cpp:
#include "example.hpp"
#include "other.hpp"
// ...and here?
int main() {
    C< float >();
    C< double >();
    return 0;



(§14.7.2/11) If an entity is the subject of both an explicit instantiation declaration and an explicit instantiation definition in the same translation unit, the definition shall follow the declaration. An entity that is the subject of an explicit instantiation declaration and that is also used in a way that would otherwise cause an implicit instantiation (14.7.1) in the translation unit shall be the subject of an explicit instantiation definition somewhere in the program; otherwise the program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required. [ Note: This rule does apply to inline functions even though an explicit instantiation declaration of such an entity has no other normative effect. This is needed to ensure that if the address of an inline function is taken in a translation unit in which the implementation chose to suppress the out-of-line body, another translation unit will supply the body. — end note ] An explicit instantiation declaration shall not name a specialization of a template with internal linkage.


(§14.7.2/2) The syntax for explicit instantiation is:

externopttemplate declaration

There are two forms of explicit instantiation: an explicit instantiation definition and an explicit instantiation declaration. An explicit instantiation declaration begins with the extern keyword.


>显式实例化声明(使用extern)可防止所有隐式实例化生效(内联函数和类模板特化除外,§14.7.2/ 10).
>显式实例化定义(没有extern)导致实例化无论发生什么,即它都会覆盖显式实例化声明(这也遵循§14.7.2/ 10).



上一篇:python – 我无法在Fabric中使用virtualenvwrapper切换virtualenv
