[Redux] Writing a Todo List Reducer (Toggling a Todo)

Learn how to implement toggling a todo in a todo list application reducer.

let todo = (state = [], action) => {

case 'ADD_ITEM':
return state = [
text: action.text,
id: action.id,
completed: false
return state.map( (todo) => {
if(todo.id !== action.id){
return todo;
return {
completed: !todo.Completed// will overwirte the todo object's completed prop
return state;
}; let testTodo_addItem = () => {
let stateBefore = [];
let action = {
type: 'ADD_ITEM',
text: 'Learn Redux',
id: 0
let stateAfter = [
text: 'Learn Redux',
id: 0,
completed: false,
]; deepFreeze(stateBefore);
deepFreeze(action); expect(
todo(stateBefore, action)
}; let testTodo_toggleItem = () => {
let stateBefore = [
text: 'Learn Redux',
id: 0,
completed: false
text: 'Learn Angular2',
id: 1,
completed: false
let action = {
type: 'TOGGLE_ITEM',
id: 1
}; let stateAfter = [
text: 'Learn Redux',
id: 0,
completed: false
text: 'Learn Angular2',
id: 1,
completed: true
]; deepFreeze(stateBefore);
deepFreeze(action); expect(
todo(stateBefore, action)
} testTodo_toggleItem(); console.log("All tests passed!");
