[BAT] 以当前时间为名创建文件夹,将本地文件夹里的文件拷贝到远程共享目录,而且保证本地和Jenkins上运行都成功

@echo off

rem connect to szotpc801
net use * /del /yes
NET USE X: \\\d$ Autotest123 /user:SZDOMAIN1\autotester set AutoPath=%~dp0
pushd %AutoPath% cd /d %AutoPath% set sourcePath=%AutoPath%\TestResult\PA
set targetPath=X:\\AutomationReport\PA set tempStr=%date:/=-%-%time::=-%
set directoryName=%tempStr: =-%
echo I will create a directory : %directoryName% if exist %targetPath%\%directoryName% (echo y|cacls %targetPath%\%directoryName% /p everyone:f >nul 2>nul &&rd /s /q %targetPath%\%directoryName%) else echo directory doesn't exist,create it md %targetPath%\%directoryName%
xcopy /d %sourcePath% %targetPath%\%directoryName% rem delete reports generated 7 days ago
forfiles /p %targetPath% /s /m *.* /d -7 /c "cmd /c del /f @path">nul 2>nul
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /ad /s^|sort /r') do rd "%%a" 2>nul net use * /del /yes exit


1.NET USE 需要用IP地址,不能用主机名



%date:/=-%    %time::=-%    %tempStr: =-%
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