DL:深度学习算法(神经网络模型集合)概览之《THE NEURAL NETWORK ZOO》的中文解释和感悟(八)


DL:深度学习算法(神经网络模型集合)概览之《THE NEURAL NETWORK ZOO》的中文解释和感悟(八)

      Extreme learning machines (ELM) are basically FFNNs but with random connections. They look very similar to LSMs and ESNs, but they are not recurrent nor spiking. They also do not use backpropagation. Instead, they start with random weights and train the weights in a single step according to the least-squares fit (lowest error across all functions). This results in a much less expressive network but it’s also much faster than backpropagation.


Huang, Guang-Bin, et al. “Extreme learning machine: Theory and applications.” Neurocomputing 70.1-3 (2006): 489-501.

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DL:深度学习算法(神经网络模型集合)概览之《THE NEURAL NETWORK ZOO》的中文解释和感悟(八)

    Echo state networks (ESN) are yet another different type of (recurrent) network. This one sets itself apart from others by having random connections between the neurons (i.e. not organised into neat sets of layers), and they are trained differently. Instead of feeding input and back-propagating the error, we feed the input, forward it and update the neurons for a while, and observe the output over time. The input and the output layers have a slightly unconventional role as the input layer is used to prime the network and the output layer acts as an observer of the activation patterns that unfold over time. During training, only the connections between the observer and the (soup of) hidden units are changed.


Jaeger, Herbert, and Harald Haas. “Harnessing nonlinearity: Predicting chaotic systems and saving energy in wireless communication.” science 304.5667 (2004): 78-80.

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