ambari安装 Python script has been killed due to timeout after waiting 300 secs

Python script has been killed due totimeout after waiting 1800 secs

vim /etc/ambari-server/conf/此错误为ambari-server ssh连接ambari-agent安装超时)



 ambari安装 Python script has been killed due to timeout after waiting 300 secs


这里装着装着就失败了,显示Python script has been killed due to timeout after waiting 1800 secs 解决办法: vim /etc/yum.conf,把installonly_limit的值设成600  后来仍然有超时失败,只能retry了,最后终于成功了!
上一篇:自监督-Self-supervised Learning on Graphs:Deep Insights and New Directions

下一篇:line XX: 12364 Killed 报错