N2N 安装方法,适用于 多台电脑由于处于各自内网环境,不能互通, 但是能够访问一台公共的外网服务器, 通过该服务器实现多台内网服务器直接的互连互通

5.        安装及用法


#svn cohttps://svn.ntop.org/svn/ntop/trunk/n2n

#cd # cd n2n/n2n_v2


#make install



l        启动supernode

# supernode -l <listening port>


supernode usage
-l <lport>      
Set UDP main listen port to <lport>
-f              Run in foreground.
-v              Increase verbosity. Can be used multiple times.
-h              This help message.


l         Ege的用法:

#edge-a -c mypbxn2n -k mypbxn2n -l -s
edge -a 
虚拟IP -c 你的虚拟网名 -k 密码  -l supernodeip:端口 -s 子网掩码

edge -d <tun device> -a [static:|dhcp:]<tun IP address> -c <community> [-k <encrypt key> | -K <key file>] [-s <netmask>] [-u <uid> -g <gid>][-f][-m <MAC address>]
-l <supernode host:port> [-p <local port>] [-M <mtu>] [-r] [-E] [-v] [-t <mgmt port>] [-b] [-h]

-d <tun device>          
| tun device name
-a <mode:address>        | Set interface address. For DHCP use '-r -a dhcp:'
-c <community>           | n2n community name the edge belongs to.
-k <encrypt key>         | Encryption key (ASCII) - also N2N_KEY=<encrypt key>. Not with -K.
-K <key file>            | Specify a key schedule file to load. Not with -k.
-s <netmask>             | Edge interface netmask in dotted decimal notation (
-l <supernode host:port> | Supernode IP:port
-b                       | Periodically resolve supernode IP
                         : (when supernodes are running on dynamic IPs)
-p <local port>          | Fixed local UDP port.
-u <UID>                 | User ID (numeric) to use when privileges are dropped.
-g <GID>                 | Group ID (numeric) to use when privileges are dropped.
-f                       | Do not fork and run as a daemon; rather run in foreground.
-m <MAC address>         | Fix MAC address for the TAP interface (otherwise it may be random)
                         : eg. -m 01:02:03:04:05:06
-M <mtu>                 | Specify n2n MTU of edge interface (default 1400).
-r                       | Enable packet forwarding through n2n community.
-E                       | Accept multicast MAC addresses (default=drop).
-v                       | Make more verbose. Repeat as required.
-t                       | Management UDP Port (for multiple edges on a machine).

Environment variables:
  N2N_KEY                | Encryption key (ASCII). Not with -K or -k.


l         Windows


 N2N 安装方法,适用于 多台电脑由于处于各自内网环境,不能互通, 但是能够访问一台公共的外网服务器, 通过该服务器实现多台内网服务器直接的互连互通

单击advanced按键,勾选Enable packet forwarding through n2n community

 N2N 安装方法,适用于 多台电脑由于处于各自内网环境,不能互通, 但是能够访问一台公共的外网服务器, 通过该服务器实现多台内网服务器直接的互连互通


上一篇:python 使用win32com 操作excel
