

Dump all memory and MDA signals in all scopes specified in fsdbDumpvars option or the entire design if no scope is specified. This option is covered by the "+all" option and is effective for SystemVerilog's MDAs only. For VCS users, the VCS option "+memcbk" may be needed while compiling the desing


Only dump the packed signals in the design (without array and memory types).


Unpacked 1D

T a[]

Unpacked 2D

T a[][]

Packed 1D

T []a

Packed 2D

T [][]a

None      Yes
"+packedmda" yes yes
"+mda" yes yes yes yes


上一篇:The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist

下一篇:EF 取值时出错: Specified cast is not valid