【S32K3 MCAL配置】-6.1-ICU Driver:WKPU外设让MCU芯片从“Low Power Mode低功耗模式”中WakeUp唤醒

【DaVinci Developer专题】-10-Value IDT常见用法之“typedef”(Implementation Data Type)

岁月如歌2018: RTE40359 The data type </DataTypes/Test_Base_Type_Unit8> is neither a platform nor a standard type and the referenced base type </AUTOSAR_Platform/BaseTypes/uint8> does not specify a native declaration. [constr_1010] If nativeDeclaration does not exist in the SwBaseType it is required that the shortName (e.g. "uint8") of the corresponding ImplementationDataType is equal to a name of one of the Platform or Standard Types predefined in AUTOSAR code. For more information on this refer to Specification of Platform Types (AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes.pdf). Help: - provide a native declaration for the base type


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