Oracle 分区表 收集统计信息 参数granularity


Determines the granularity of statistics to collect. This value is only relevant for partitioned tables.


GRANULARITY - The value determines granularity of statistics to collect (only pertinent if the table is partitioned).

'ALL' - gathers all (subpartition, partition, and global) statistics

'AUTO'- determines the granularity based on the partitioning type. This is the default value.

'DEFAULT' - gathers global and partition-level statistics. This option is obsolete, and while currently supported, it is included in the documentation for legacy reasons only. You should use the 'GLOBAL AND PARTITION' for this functionality. Note that the default value is now 'AUTO'.

'GLOBAL' - gathers global statistics

'GLOBAL AND PARTITION' - gathers the global and partition level statistics. No subpartition level statistics are gathered even if it is a composite partitioned object.

'PARTITION '- gathers partition-level statistics

'SUBPARTITION' - gathers subpartition-level statistics.

exec DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(ownname=>'H5YYT',tabname=>'TL_EC_H5_SERVICE_LOG',partname=>'TL_EC_H5_SERVICE_LOG_201809',granularity=>'ALL',estimate_percent=>10,no_invalidate=>false,cascade=>true,degree =>10);

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