golang pprof 内存分析

use pprof to get application  memory  useage

add code in your main funciton

import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
) func main() {
go func() {
log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil))

build and compile you application.

let application run and send request  then run

#get  memory useage
go tool pprof -inuse_space
go tool pprof ./yourbinaryname localhost:/debug/pprof/profile

your can use help ,or  top N to get top  memory use function .

use "svg"  or "web"  to print  detail information .and need graphviz

sudo yum  install -y graphviz 

or mac

brew install graphviz

if not generate svg ,down  tar file    and  use this command to get svg  ,after you can  open svg in  browser :

go tool pprof  /Downloads/mv-w./pprof.xxx.localhost:.samples.cpu..pb

if you are in production mode:

just use wget :

wget http://localhost:9181/debug/pprof/heap
wget http://localhost:9181/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=100 -O profile-pprof #then you can sz files to local and generate svg or png
go tool pprof heap
go tool pprof profile-pprof then input svg/png/help;


上一篇:Web API 跨域问题
