Managing Memory-Mapped Files in Win32


Extracted from MSDN,

One advantage to using MMF I/O is that the system performs all data transfers for it in 4K pages of data. Internally all pages of memory are managed by the virtual-memory manager (VMM). It decides when a page should be paged to disk, which pages are to be freed for use by other applications, and how many pages each application can have out of the entire allotment of physical memory. Since the VMM performs all disk I/O in the same manner—reading or writing memory one page at a time—it has been optimized to make it as fast as possible. Limiting the disk read and write instructions to sequences of 4K pages means that several smaller reads or writes are effectively cached into one larger operation, reducing the number of times the hard disk read/write head moves. Reading and writing pages of memory at a time is sometimes referred to as paging and is common to virtual-memory management operating systems.

Another advantage to using MMF I/O is that all of the actual I/O interaction now occurs in RAM in the form of standard memory addressing. Meanwhile, disk paging occurs periodically in the background, transparent to the application. While no gain in performance is observed when using MMFs for simply reading a file into RAM, other disk transactions can benefit immensely. Say, for example, an application implements a flat-file database file structure, where the database consists of hundreds of sequential records. Accessing a record within the file is simply a matter of determining the record's location (a byte offset within the file) and reading the data from the file. Then, for every update, the record must be written to the file in order to save the change. For larger records, it may be advantageous to read only part of the record into memory at a time as needed. Unfortunately, though, each time a new part of the record is needed, another file read is required. The MMF approach works a little differently. When the record is first accessed, the entire 4K page(s) of memory containing the record is read into memory. All subsequent accesses to that record deal directly with the page(s) of memory in RAM. No disk I/O is required or enforced until the file is later closed or flushed.


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