






1) As control passes from a throw-expression to a handler, destructors
are invoked for all automatic objects constructed since the try block
was entered
. The automatic objects are destroyed in the reverse order
of the completion of their construction.

2) An object of any storage duration whose initialization or
destruction is terminated by an exception will have destructors
executed for all of its fully constructed subobjects (excluding the
variant members of a union-like class), that is, for subobjects for
which the principal constructor (12.6.2) has completed execution and
the destructor has not yet begun execution. Similarly, if the
non-delegating constructor for an object has completed execution and a
delegating constructor for that object exits with an exception, the
object’s destructor will be invoked. If the object was allocated in a
new-expression, the matching deallocation function (, 5.3.4,
12.5), if any, is called to free the storage occupied by the object.

3) The process of calling destructors for automatic objects
constructed on the path from a try block to a throw-expression is
called “stack unwinding.” If a destructor called during stack
unwinding exits with an exception, std::terminate is called (15.5.1).
[ Note: So destructors should generally catch exceptions and not let
them propagate out of the destructor. — end note ]


SomeClass c;              // declared before try{} so it is
                          // still valid in catch{} block
try {
    SomeClass t;
} catch( ...) {
    // t destroyed
    // c valid
