




 #GIL global interperter lock 全局锁


 #多线程代码  简单
 # import threading
 # import time
 # def run(n):
 #     time.sleep(1)
 #     print('thread>>>:',n)
 # t1 = threading.Thread(target=run,args=(1,)) #分支线程
 # t1.start()
 # print('----------------fengexian') #主线  因为主线更快,所以先显示
 # t2 = threading.Thread(target=run,args=(2,))#分之线程
 # t2.start()

 #多线程代码  并发量高
 # print("多线程代码  并发量高")
 # import threading
 # import time
 # def run(n):
 #     time.sleep(1)
 #     print('thread>>>:',n)
 # for i in range(10):
 #     t = threading.Thread(target=run,args=(i,))
 #     t.start()

 # import threading
 # import time
 # def run(n):
 #     time.sleep(1)
     # print(threading.get_ident())  #可以理解一个线程号,但是在该线程中唯一的,但是在系统中不一定唯一
     # print('thread>>>:',n)
     # print(threading.current_thread()) 打印当前正在运行线程的实例
 # for i in range(10):
 #     t = threading.Thread(target=run,args=(i,))
 #     t.start()
     # t.setName("t-"%i) 更改线程名
     # print(t.getName()) #线程名
 # print(threading.active_count())  #活跃的线程数统计
 # print(threading.current_thread()) 打印主线程的实例


 #通过类的方式继承启用多线程    一般不这么写
 # print("#通过类的方式继承启用多线程")
 # class MyThread(threading.Thread):
 #     def __init__(self, num):
 #         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
 #         self.num = num
 #     def run(self):  # 定义每个线程要运行的函数
 #         print("running on number:%s" % self.num)
 #         time.sleep(3)
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     t1 = MyThread(1)
 #     t2 = MyThread(2)
 #     t1.start()
 #     t2.start()


 # import threading
 # import time
 # def run(n):
 #     time.sleep(1)
 #     print("thread:::",n)
 # a_list = []
 # for i in range(10):
 #     a = threading.Thread(target=run,args=(i,))
 #     a.start()
 #     a_list.append(a)
 #     # a.join()    #相当于串行 但是我需要线程都结束才走主线程
 # for a in a_list:
 #     a.join() #把等待线程结束放这里,相当于等待全部线程结束
 #     #必须用for循环,直接放在外面不能保证每个线程都执行完
 # print("--main thread--")


 #主线程死了,线程就该停了  守护进程的概念
 # import threading
 # import time
 # def run(n):
 #     time.sleep(1)
 #     print("thread:::",n)
 # for i in range(10):
 #     a = threading.Thread(target=run,args=(i,))
 #     a.setDaemon(True) #设置为守护线程  当主线程执行完,不管线程结没结束都退出
 #     a.start()
 # print("--main thread--")


 #线程锁  防止多个线程修改同一个共享数据
 #此代码没有出现混乱的问题,就是本来应该是10而显示只有 8 9 这个样子
 # import threading
 # import time
 # def run(n):
 #     global num
 #     l.acquire() #获取锁
 #     num +=1
 #     time.sleep(1) #修改完数据之后,立刻就把锁释放,因为只要你一锁,只要全局需要等你的数据,就整个程序卡住了,就出现串行了
 #     l.release() #释放锁
 #     # time.sleep(1)   #如果把这个放到释放锁上面,那就成为串行了。
 #     print("thread:::",n)
 # def run2():
 #     count = 0
 #     while num<9:
 #         print('-----',count)
 #         count += 1
 # num = 0
 # l = threading.Lock() #声明一把锁
 # a_list = []
 # for i in range(10):
 #     a = threading.Thread(target=run,args=(i,))
 #     a.start()
 #     a_list.append(a)
 # a2 = threading.Thread(target=run2)
 # a2.start()
 # for t in a_list:
 #     t.join()
 # print("--main thread--")
 # print(num)

 # import threading, time
 # def run1():
 #     print("grab the first part data")
 #     lock.acquire()
 #     global num
 #     num += 1
 #     lock.release()
 #     return num
 # def run2():
 #     print("grab the second part data")
 #     lock.acquire()
 #     global num2
 #     num2 += 1
 #     lock.release()
 #     return num2
 # def run3():
 #     lock.acquire()
 #     res = run1()
 #     print('--------between run1 and run2-----')
 #     res2 = run2()
 #     lock.release()
 #     print(res, res2)
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     num, num2 = 0, 0
 #     lock = threading.RLock()  #如果Rlock 换成lock 就会错乱了
 #     for i in range(10):
 #         t = threading.Thread(target=run3)
 #         t.start()
 # while threading.active_count() != 1:
 #     print(threading.active_count())
 # else:
 #     print('----all threads done---')
 #     print(num, num2)


#GIL 全局解释器锁,作用是保证在同一时刻只有一个线程真正在运行
#GIL 解释器自己的锁,为了解决内存回收机制,很有可能当内存清除的时候会有线程调用它才加的锁
#GIL 和用户Lock是不一样的锁,没有任何关系


 # Semaphore(信号量)
 # 互斥锁 同时只允许一个线程更改数据,而Semaphore是同时允许一定数量的线程更改数据 ,比如厕所有3个坑,那最多只允许3个人上厕所,后面的人只能等里面有人出来了才能再进去。
 # import threading, time
 # def run(n):
 #     semaphore.acquire()
 #     time.sleep(1)
 #     print("run the thread: %s\n" % n)
 #     semaphore.release()
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     num = 0
 #     semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(5)  # 最多允许5个线程同时运行
 #     for i in range(20):
 #         t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,))
 #         t.start()
 # while threading.active_count() != 1:
 #     pass  # print threading.active_count()
 # else:
 #     print('----all threads done---')
 #     print(num)


 #定时任务 Timer   3秒之后运行这个线程
 # import threading
 # def hello():
 #     print("hello, world")
 # t = threading.Timer(3.0, hello)
 # t.start()  # after 30 seconds, "hello, world" will be printed 线程间的交互

 #Events  线程间的交互
 # import threading,time
 # def ligher():
 #     count = 0
 #     while True:
 #         if count < 30:
 #             if not event.is_set(): #如果没被set我就set
 #                 event.set()
 #             print("\033[32m;green light\033[0m")
 #         elif count < 34:
 #             print("\033[33m;yellow light\033[0m")
 #         elif count < 60:
 #             if event.is_set():
 #                 event.clear()
 #             print("\033[31m;red light\033[0m")
 #         else:
 #             count = 0
 #         count += 1
 #         time.sleep(0.2)
 # def car(n):
 #     count = 0
 #     while True:
 #         event.wait()
 #         print("car [%s] dududu..." % n)
 #         count += 1
 #         time.sleep(1)
 # event = threading.Event()
 # t = threading.Thread(target=ligher)
 # t.start()
 # c1 = threading.Thread(target=car,args=(1,))
 # c1.start()


 #队列 Queue
 #先进先出  FIFO  first in first out  常规
 #后入先出        last in first out
 # import queue
 # q = queue.Queue()
 # q.put(1)
 # q.put(2)
 # q.put(3)
 # q.put('alex')
 # print(q.qsize())  #数量
 # print(q.get()) #取数
 # print(q.empty()) #做一个判断是不是空而已不是清空
 # print(q.get())
 # print(q.full()) #判断队列会不会满  如果满了,就会阻塞了,q = queue.Queue(maxsize=2),等于2的时候就会返回TRUE
 # q.put_nowait(4) #如果满了就直接报错了

 # import queue
 # q = queue.LifoQueue()
 # q.put(1)
 # q.put(2)
 # q.put(3)
 # q.put('alex')
 # print(q.get())

 # import queue
 # q = queue.PriorityQueue()
 # q.put([3,'joker'])
 # q.put([2,'lili'])
 # q.put([1,'alex'])
 # print(q.get())    #1 2 3代表优先级,数字越小权重越大 列表,元祖都可以

13.生产者与消费者模型  就是为了解决供不应求,供过于求的时候

 #生产者消费者模型  就是为了解决 线程产生和处理线程的速度不一致问题
 # import threading,time
 # import queue
 # def producer(name):
 #     count = 0
 #     while True:
 #         if q.qsize() < 5:
 #             print("%s生成了骨头" %name,count)
 #         q.put(count)
 #         count+=1
 #         time.sleep(3)
 # def consumer(n):
 #     while True:
 #         print("%s 取到骨头并吃了它" % n, q.get())
 #         time.sleep(0.5)
 # q = queue.Queue(maxsize=4)
 # p = threading.Thread(target=producer,args=('joker',))
 # p2 = threading.Thread(target=producer,args=('alex',))
 # c = threading.Thread(target=consumer,args=('lili',))
 # p.start()
 # p2.start()
 # c.start()

 #消费完任务之后都要给生产者回执,当生产者回执都结束了,就可以结束了 例如发邮件  转账
 # import threading,time
 # import queue
 # def producer(name):
 #     count = 0
 #     for i in range(10):
 #         print("%s生成了骨头" %name,count)
 #         q.put(count)
 #         count+=1
 #         time.sleep(0.3)
 #     q.join()
 #     print("所有骨头都被吃了")
 # def consumer(n):
 #     while True:
 #         print("%s 取到骨头并吃了它" % n, q.get())
 #         time.sleep(0.5)
 #         q.task_done()  # 代表我吃完了,就像邮件回执,代表你肯定吃了,肯定回执邮件,这个任务你干完了
 # q = queue.Queue(maxsize=4)
 # p = threading.Thread(target=producer,args=('joker',))
 # c = threading.Thread(target=consumer,args=('lili',))
 # p.start()
 # c.start()


 #绕过GIL  例子。八核八个进程,每个进程是个线程
 # from multiprocessing import Process
 # import time
 # def f(name):
 #     time.sleep(2)
 #     print('hello', name)
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     for i in range(10):
 #         p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))
 #         p.start()
 #         # p.join()  #打开就是串行出来hello bob

 # from multiprocessing import Process
 # import os,time
 # def info(title):
 #     print(title)
 #     print('module name:', __name__)
 #     print('parent process:', os.getppid()) #父id
 #     print('process id:', os.getpid()) #当前Id
 #     print("\n\n")
 # def f(name):
 #     info('\033[31;1mfunction f\033[0m')
 #     print('hello', name)
 #     time.sleep(10)
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     info('\033[32;1mmain process line\033[0m')
 #     p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))
 #     p.start()
 #     p.join()

15.进程间通讯,Queue,pipe 进程数据交互,并没有改变数据,真正可以改变数据的用manager

 #Queues   使用方法跟threading里的queue差不多   但是线程内存共享的,进程不行
 # from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
 # def f(q):
 #     q.put([42, None, 'hello'])
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     q = Queue()
 #     p = Process(target=f, args=(q,))
 #     p.start()
 #     print(q.get())  # prints "[42, None, 'hello']"
 #     p.join()

 #Pipes 管道   儿子发,父亲收 当然也可以双向,2个进程间通信
 # from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
 # def f(conn):
 #     conn.send([42, None, 'hello']) #这里需要注意,发送数据多次没有什么问题,但是要是收的时候没有数据就会卡住
 #     print("from parent",conn.recv())  #双向
 #     conn.close()
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() #生成管道
 #     p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn,))
 #     p.start()
 #     print(parent_conn.recv())  # prints "[42, None, 'hello']"
 #     parent_conn.send("hello son") #双向
 #     p.join()

 #Queues 和 Pipe 解决了2个进程间的传递并没有解决2个进程之间修改数据
 # from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
 # def f(d, l,): #def f(d, l, n,): 加n为了字典效果
 #     # d[n] = n #为了字典效果
 #     d[1] = '1'
 #     d['2'] = 2
 #     d[0.25] = None
 #     l.append(2)  #每次进程加个2
 #     #l.append(n) 为了字典效果
 #     print(l)
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     with Manager() as manager:  #打开manager
 #         d = manager.dict()   #生成一个字典
 #         l = manager.list(range(5)) #就是生成了五个列表值 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
 #         p_list = []
 #         for i in range(10):
 #             p = Process(target=f, args=(d, l))
 #             # p = Process(target=f, args=(d, l, i,))  为了字典效果
 #             p.start()
 #             p_list.append(p)
 #         for res in p_list:
 #             res.join()
 #         print(d)
 #         print(l)


 #进程同步  就是Lock  进程数据独立为什么还需要锁呢
 # from multiprocessing import Process, Lock
 # def f(l, i):
 #     l.acquire()
 #     try:
 #         print('hello world', i)
 #     finally:
 #         l.release()
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     lock = Lock()
 #     for num in range(10):
 #         Process(target=f, args=(lock, num)).start()  进程自己把锁传进去


 进程池  就是同一时间只有多少个进程运行
 # 进程池中有两个方法:
 # apply  是串行 ,不要用
 # apply_async
 # from multiprocessing import Process, Lock, Pool
 # import time
 # def f(num):
 #     print('hello world %s' % num)
 #     time.sleep(1)
 #     return num  #返回值告诉主进程我子进程运行结束了么
 # def callback(data):  #这个就是上面f函数的返回值 他的pid永远都是一个,所以只维护一个连接就可以
 #     print("exec-->:",data)
 # if __name__ == '__main__':
 #     lock = Lock()
 #     pool = Pool(processes=5)   #
 #     for num in range(100):
 #         pool.apply_async(func=f, args=(num,),callback=callback)
 #     pool.close() #添加完了必须告诉程序地址池我加完了
 #     pool.join() #进程池中进程执行完毕后再关闭,如果注释,那么程序直接关闭。

18.paramiko 简单的ssh模块

 #paramiko 模块
 import paramiko

 # 创建SSH对象
 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
 # 允许连接不在know_hosts文件中的主机
 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) #第一次连接在不在自己本机上,不在自己就加上去
 # 连接服务器

 # 执行命令  返回三个值
 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('df')
 # 获取命令结果
 result =

 # 关闭连接
