javascript-如何使用WebGL drawElements偏移量?

这是一个相当具体的WebGL问题.我在理解特定于WebGL的drawElements实现时遇到麻烦.这是API规范. From the WebGL specification.


void drawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, GLintptr offset)
(OpenGL ES 2.0 §2.8, man page)

Draw using the currently bound element array buffer. The given offset is in bytes, and must be a valid multiple of the size of the given type or an INVALID_OPERATION error will be generated; see Buffer Offset and Stride Requirements. If count is greater than zero, then a non-null WebGLBuffer must be bound to the ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER binding point or an INVALID_OPERATION error will be generated.


因此,我想在index [0]到index [99]上调用drawElements,在index [100]到index [149]上调用drawElements.我可以使用drawElements偏移量吗?


for(var g = 0; g < groups.length; g++) {
    var group = groups[g];

    //Set the texture
    var material = group.material;

    //Draw it!
    var offset = group.offset; //index of the first element of the indices, (e.g. position '0' or position '100', from above)
    var num_items = group.num_items; //number of items in this group, (e.g. '100' elements or '50' elements, from above)
    gl.drawElements(draw_mode, num_items, indices.type, offset);



… The given offset is in bytes, and must be a valid multiple of the size
of the given type …


尝试使用offset * 2而不是仅使用offset:

gl.drawElements(draw_mode, num_items, indices.type, offset * 2);
上一篇:WebGIS 利用 WebGL 在 MapboxGL 上渲染 DEM 三维空间数据
