
#编写一个名为test_city_country()的方法核实得到的字符串正确 def city_country(city,country):
country_city = city + " " + country
return country_city.title()
from city_function import city_country print("\nEnter q to quit.")
while True:
city = input("\nEnter a city: ")
if city == 'q':
country = input("\nEnter country of the city: ")
if country == 'q':
break get_msg = city_country(city,country)
print("The city and country: " + get_msg.title())
import unittest
from city_function import city_country class CityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_city_country(self):
get_city_country_name = city_country("beijing","china")
self.assertEqual(get_city_country_name,"Beijing China") unittest.main() #2.人口数量:修改1中的函数,使其包含必不可少的形参population
#并返回一个格式City,Country - population xxx 的字符串 def city_country(city,country,population=''):
country_city = city + ", " + country + " -- Population " + population
return country_city.title() ##测试模块
import unittest
from city_function import city_country class CityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_city_country(self):
get_city_country_name = city_country("beijing","china","")
self.assertEqual(get_city_country_name,"Beijing, China -- Population 5000") unittest.main()
class Employee(): def __init__(self,first_name,last_name,salary):
self.first_name = first_name
self.last_name = last_name
self.salary = salary
self.raising = 5000 def give_raise(self):
return self.raising
import unittest
from employee import Employee class TestEmployee(unittest.TestCase):
#针对Employee类的测试 def setUp(self):
self.employee_test = Employee('Ma','Naoke',5000) def test_give_default_raise(self):
raising = self.employee_test.give_raise()
self.assertEqual(raising,5000) def test_give_custom_raise(self):
self.employee_test.raising = 6000
raising = self.employee_test.give_raise()
self.assertEqual(raising,6000) unittest.main()
上一篇:elastic search 重要的系统配置
