printf left justify

This example program demonstrates how to left-justify output in

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
int x = 345;
const char * y = "monkeys"; /* Demonstrate with numbers. */
printf ("<%d> is not justified.\n", x);
printf ("<%5d> is right-justified.\n", x);
printf ("<%-5d> The minus sign makes it left-justified.\n", x);
/* Demonstrate with strings. */
printf ("'%s' is not justified.\n", y);
printf ("'%10s' is right-justified.\n", y);
printf ("'%-10s' is left-justified using a minus sign.\n", y); return 0;

It outputs the following:

<345> is not justified.
< 345> is right-justified.
<345 > The minus sign makes it left-justified.
'monkeys' is not justified.
' monkeys' is right-justified.
'monkeys ' is left-justified using a minus sign.
上一篇:Log Parser 微软强大的日志分析工具
