Hands On Game Development Patterns with Unity 2019



1. Unity Engine Architecture

2. Game Loop and Update Method

3. Prototype

4. The Factory Method

5. Abstract Factory

6. Singleton

7. Strategy

8. Command

9. Observer

10. State

11. Visitor

12. Facade

13. Adapter

14. Decorator

15. Event Bus

16. Service Locator

17. Dependency Injection

18. Object Pool

19. Spatial Partition

20. The Anti-Patterns


1. Unity Engine Architecture


2. Game Loop and Update Method

3. Prototype

4. The Factory Method

5. Abstract Factory

6. Singleton

7. Strategy

8. Command

9. Observer

10. State

11. Visitor

12. Facade

13. Adapter

14. Decorator

15. Event Bus

16. Service Locator

17. Dependency Injection

18. Object Pool

19. Spatial Partition

20. The Anti-Patterns


上一篇:Development of R-CNN、Fast R-CNN、Faster R-CNN

下一篇:.net core 中的多环境配置