neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载

neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载



1、容量:社区版最多支持 320 亿个节点、320 亿个关系和 640 亿个属性,而企业版没有这个限制;




5、性能:社区版最多用到 4 个内核,而企业能用到全部内核,且对性能做了精心的优化;

6、支持:企业版客户能得到 5X10 电话支持(Neo4j 美国电话、邮件,微云数聚电话、微信、邮件);


关于社区版与企业版的性能对比,最近我做了一个 对比试验,企业版的性能是社区版的 2~4 倍,我将另外发帖将对比结果分享给大家。




neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载

Get Started
You’ll want to download the latest version of Neo4j Enterprise for UNIX/Linux or Windows, or get started with a cloud deployment of an AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform cluster. If you want an earlier version of Neo4j for any reason, the appropriate download links are available to you when you sign in to the Neo4j Startup Program site.

Download Drivers for your favorite language
The Driver Manual includes instructions for getting started with Neo4j using your favorite programming languages, such as .NET, Python, Java, JavaScript and .NET. If you’re looking for a different language, check out our Language Guides.

Join the Community
If you haven’t already, please join our community and be sure to Introduce Yourself.

Learn from GraphAcademy and Online Videos
Neo4j offers classes both online and in classrooms around the world… If day-long classes aren’t your thing, you can subscribe to our Neo4j YouTube channel.

Keep us Updated!
Let us know ( as your company and products achieve key milestones such as funding, major new releases, etc. We’d love to hear about your accomplishments!

License Info
Information on your license is below this email. Please keep this information on file.

Best wishes for the success of your company and of your Neo4j project. Reach out in the online community if you have any questions or problems.

Will Lyon
Neo4j Developer Relations

Here’s your license for Neo4j Enterprise. Please keep this in a safe place.

License #**************
Expiration: 2021-12

High level description:
License is for 3 production machines. 24 cores each. Max of 256GB of RAM each machine.

Full license terms agreed to at time of application:

neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载
neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载
neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载
neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载
neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载
neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载
neo4j 企业版 最新版 neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1下载

