




TensorFlow Tutorial (Tensorflow教程)

Welcome to this week's programming assignment. Until now, you've always used numpy to build neural networks. Now we will step you through a deep learning framework that will allow you to build neural networks more easily. Machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PaddlePaddle, Torch, Caffe, Keras, and many others can speed up your machine learning development significantly. All of these frameworks also have a lot of documentation, which you should feel free to read. In this assignment, you will learn to do the following in TensorFlow:

  • Initialize variables
  • Start your own session
  • Train algorithms
  • Implement a Neural Network

Programing frameworks can not only shorten your coding time, but sometimes also perform optimizations that speed up your code.



1 - Exploring the Tensorflow Library (导入Tensorflor库)

To start, you will import the library:


Writing and running programs in TensorFlow has the following steps:

  1. Create Tensors (variables) that are not yet executed/evaluated.
  2. Write operations between those Tensors.
  3. Initialize your Tensors.
  4. Create a Session.
  5. Run the Session. This will run the operations you'd written above.



1.1 - Linear function(线性函数)

Lets start this programming exercise by computing the following equation: 

上一篇:Managing the UNDO TABLESPACE

下一篇:Unusual Matrix